- 1. Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati converse in the Guru Gita. It highlights the significance of finding a Spiritual Teacher (Guru) as well as the necessity of doing so, and it praises him for his greatness. The Skanda Purana describes it.
- 2. Conversation between King Janaka and Sage Ashtavakra from the Ashtavakra Gita. Advaita Vedanta, servitude, and self-realization are discussed. It focuses on how the Indwelling Atma is superior to the human body's weaknesses and ailments, which are represented by Ashtavakra, and how this is demonstrated by how it transcends them. The Mahabharata's Vana Parva describes it.
- 3. Conversation between Skanda (Lord Kartikeya) and Sage Dattatreya from the Avadhuta Gita. It asserts a Jivanmukta's or a realized soul's highest realizations.
- 4. Speaking to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita just before the Mahabharata war. Gita in its most well-known form sheds light on many facets of life.
- 5. Talk between Lord Krishna and Arjuna in the Anu Gita. In response to Arjuna's request for Lord Krishna to recite the original Bhagavad Gita to him because he had forgotten it, Sri Krishna states that it is impossible to repeat the original and proceeds to narrate this sequel.
- 6. Conversation between Sri Rama and Sage Vasishtha from the Brahma Gita. In Yoga-Vasishtha's Nirvana Prakarana, it is described. This Gita provides a detailed explanation of the nature of Brahman, the world, and the soul.
- 7. King Janaka's soliloquy in the Janaka Gita is prompted by the Siddhas' song that they are singing close to his palace.
- 8. Sri Rama and Sri Lakshmana speak in the first chapter of the Rama Gita. It explains the various principles of Advaita-Vedanta, including Jiva, Avidya, Isvara, Maya, and others. Likewise the procedure for coming to realize the Brahman, the Eternal Being. The Adhyatma Ramayana describes it.
- 9. Sri Rama and Lord Hanuman converse in Rama Gita II. It is a text of the Anubhavadvaitins and emphasizes knowledge acquisition rather than seclusion from the world. The Tattva Sarayana describes it.
- 10. Sage Ribhu's instructions to his student Nidagha are found in the Ribhu Gita. The Shivarahasya Purana, one of the Upapuranas on Shiva and Shaivite worship, is a well-known Gita that deals with Advaita Vedanta and forms its core.
- 11. Numerous Siddhas gathered close to King Janaka's palace sang the Siddha Gita song. Its main message is that self-control and the rejection of the subject-object relationship are necessary for the expansion of consciousness into infinity. The Yoga-Vasishtha's Upashanti-Prakarana describes it.
- 12. The Bhagavad Gita is described in the Brahmanda Purana, but the Uttara Gita is a supplement to that text. It covers Jnana, Yoga, and related subjects.
- 13. The teachings of Sage Vasishtha to Sri Rama about the timeless truths are contained in the Vasishtha Gita. It is described in Yoga-Vasishtha's Nirvana-Prakarana.
- 14. The Sage describes the depressing state of the world that a person who lives a long time must see in the Baka Gita, a conversation between Lord Indra and Sage Baka. The Mahabharata describes it in detail.
- 15. The Bhikshu Gita contains statements made by Lord Krishna to Uddhava in the persona of a greedy Brahmin who later transforms into a wise man and sings a song that carries with it the message of mind control. Srimad Bhagavatam gives a description of it.
- 16. The Gopis' song of seperation from Sri Krishna is known as the Gopi Gita. This Gita is filled to the brim with the highest degree of devotion to the all-powerful Lord. It is taken from the Srimad-Bhagavatam.
- 17. The sons of Brahma and Lord Vishnu, manifest as a swan, converse in the Hamsa Gita. According to this Gita, the Atman is the only stable reality and the world is merely a delusion. In Srimad Bhagavatam, it can be found. The Uddhava Gita is another name for it.
- 18. Sage Dattatreya explains the characteristics of the Jivanmukta (realized soul) in the Jivanmukta Gita.
- 19. Teachings of Sage Kapila to his mother Devahuti in the Kapila Gita. Srimad Bhagavatam gives a description of it.
- 20. Conversation between Yudhishthira and Nahusha from the Nahusha Gita. The Mahabharata describes it.
- 21. Sri Krishna and Narada converse in the Narada Gita. The basic requirements for a spiritual aspirant are covered. The importance of the Guru or spiritual leader is emphasized.
- 22. The Pandava Gita is a collection of prayers made to the Supreme Lord (Narayana) by various devotees. The Prapanna Gita is another name for it. The song of surrender is the name given to this Gita. It is a compilation of lovely verses drawn from various sources. The Pandavas sang this hymn that is mentioned in the Gita because it was believed to purge all sins and bring about liberation.
- 23. The Rishabha Gita is a collection of Sage Rishabha's instructions to his offspring on the timeless truths and the path to enlightenment for the good of all. It is described in Srimad Bhagavatam and teaches people how to overcome their mental whims and achieve liberation from slavery. It also teaches them the meaning of life.
- 24. Sage Shaunaka gave Yudhishthira instructions in the Shaunaka Gita about the general principles of the existence of all universe's creatures. The Aranya-Parva from the Mahabharata contains a description of it.
- 25. Sruti Gita: A prayer made to Lord Narayana by the Srutis. In Srimad Bhagavatam, it is described.
- 26. The Gopis' description of Sri Krishna's magnificence is found in the Yugala Gita. Srimad Bhagavatam gives a description of it.
- 27. A sermon given by a hunter named Vyadha to Sage Kaushika is known as the Vyadha Gita. The Mahabharata describes it in detail.
- 28. Yudhishthira and a Yaksha converse in the Yudhishthira Gita. The Mahabharata describes it. This Gita discusses fundamental ethics, which serve as the cornerstone of virtue and divine life.
- 29. Written by Swami Sivananda, Moksha Gita is a song of liberation.
- 30. The Ramana Gita, which was written by Sri Vasishtha Ganapati Muni, is an expression of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi's teachings.
- 31. Ishwara Gita: Lord Shiva's teachings as recorded in the Kurma Purana. The Ishvara Gita is a Shaivite teaching text with Lord Shiva as its central figure, and like the Bhagavad Gita it follows the principles of Advaita Vedanta, devotion, one-pointedness, and surrender to Lord Shiva in order to cross the ocean of Samsara and experience divine bliss and liberation.
- 32. Lord Ganesha's speech to King Varenya is found in the Ganesha Gita. The Kridakanda of the Ganesha Purana gives a description of it.
- 33. The Devi describes to Himalaya her fundamental forms in the Devi Gita, which is a section of the Devi Bhagavatam.
- 34. The dialogue between King Janaka of Mithila and Rishi Parasara, the father of Vyasa, is described in the Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata epic. This dialogue is known as the Parashara Gita.
- 35. The message of the Pingala Gita is the wisdom and enlightenment that came to a dancing girl (prostitute) named Pingala, as described in the Shanti Parva of the epic Mahabharata.
- 36. King Yayati and Rishi Bodhya converse in the Bodhya Gita. It comes from the Shanti Parva, which is a section of the Mahabharata's Moksha Parva.
- 37. The Yama Gita explains in detail the characteristics of a Vishnu devotee, the nature of the self, the idea of Brahman, and the way to achieve moksha, or liberation, from the cycles of birth and death. The Vishnu Purana, Agni Purana, and Narasimha Purana all give descriptions of it.
- 38. The Vichakshyu/Vikrahnu Gita is Bhishma's discourse on nonviolence to Yudhishthira in the Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata. It emphasizes the necessity of sacrificing all of the violent or animal qualities present in man rather than focusing on the external aspects of sacrifice and committing sins by killing animals.
- 39. Manki Gita: In the Mahabharata's Shanti Parva, Bhishma tells Yudhishthira the tale of a Muni by the name of Manki.
- 40. Discourse of Rishi Vyasa to the Rishis mentioned in the Brahma Purana, found in the Vyasa Gita. The Vyasa Gita is extremely conceptual and geared more toward yogis and advanced seekers, but its ideas are also intended for the seeker who aspires to reach Brahman and is prepared to assiduously adhere to yogic practices, study the scriptures with diligence, and practice discrimination.
- 41. The Vritra Gita is a dialogue between the ferocious demon Vritrasura and Shukracharya, the Asuras' guru who is mentioned in the Mahabharata's Shanti Parva.
- 42. The Padma Purana describes Lord Shiva's teachings to Lord Rama in the Shiva Gita.
- 43. One can only find everlasting happiness through renunciation, according to Sampaka, a learned and pious Brahmin who wrote the Sampaka Gita. The Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata describes it as a dialogue between Bhishma and Yudhishthira.
- 44. Yagya Vaibhava Khanda of the Skanda Purana contains the Suta Gita. Both monism and dualism are rejected.
- 45. Lord Dakshinamurty recounts the account of Lord Surya's speech to Aruna, his charioteer, in the Surya Gita, a dialogue between Lord Brahma and Lord. It can be found in Tattva Sarayana's Guru Gyan Vasishta.
- 46. The teachings purportedly imparted by Sage Harita on Sanyasa dharma, according to Bhishma, on the proper path for a sadhaka and the qualities to be possessed in order to achieve moksha or liberation, are contained in the Harita Gita. It is described as a conversation between Bhishma and Yudhishthira in the Mahabharata's Shanti Parva.
- 47. The Ramayana's account of Lord Rama and Vibhishana's conversation, known as the Vibhishana Gita. In the famous Hindu epic Ramayana's Yuddha Kanda, it is described. The Vibhishana Gita gives us the ability to endure life's difficulties while remembering the morally elevating advice given by Lord Rama to Vibhishana.
- 48. The discourse that Lord Rama and Goddess Sita gave to Hanuman following their victory over Ravan and return to Ayodhya is known as the Hanumad Gita.
- 49. Sage Agastya explains in the Agastya Gita the principles of Moksha dharma and the means by which the Jivatma can become the Paramatma through devotion, renunciation, and the guru's grace. Varaha Purana describes it in detail.
- 50. The Bharata Gita, which is described in the Srimad Bhagavat Purana, beautifully extols the virtues of the Lord and explains the difficulties a seeker encounters if the mind is not under control. It also demonstrates the greatness of Bharata, whose name is appropriately given to this magnificent nation of India, Bharata Varsha.
- 51. The Bhishma Gita, which is mentioned in the Mahabharata, contains Bhishma's hymns in which he chants the various names of Maheshwara, Vishnu, and Narayana. The seeker is said to experience bliss, peace, and prosperity by singing these hymns with faith and devotion.
- 52. The Brahmana Gita, which is mentioned in the Mahabharata, is a collection of teachings from a learned Brahmana and his wife on how to break free from maya and illusion and reach the highest state of liberation—the aim of all human existence.
- 53. Hymns to Lord Vishnu that Rudra recited in the Bhagavat Purana for liberation are known as the Rudra Gita. The Varaha Purana includes a hymn on Vishnu and describes the identities of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva as revealed by Rudra.
- 54. The Sanatsujata Gita is a dialogue between Dhritarashtra, the Kaurava king, and Rishi Sanatsujata. It is found in the Mahabharata's Udyoga Parva. It explains the idea of the Brahman, the mind, the intellect, and the ways to reach the Brahman.
- 55. Shri Yogiji Maharaj, Swaminarayan's fourth spiritual successor, compiled his prayers and spiritual teachings into the book known as the Yogi Gita. It details all the qualities required for a seeker to achieve spiritual enlightenment, turn into a Brahmarup, or realize God.
- 56. The Vallabh Gita, also known as Shodasha Granthas, is a collection of sixteen works by Shri Vallabhacharya that cover a wide range of topics. He advised his followers to pursue moksha, or liberation, the real purpose of life.
- 57. The Vidura Gita, also known as Vidura Neeti, is a dialogue between King Dhritarashtra and Vidura from the illustrious Hindu epic Mahabharata that contains the maxims of right conduct, fair play, and the art of rule-making and politics.
- 58. The Vidya Gita is a story that Lord Dattatreya tells Parashurama and is included in the Tripura Rahasya. It is known as the Vidya Gita because Tripura, the Divine Mother who rules over the three Puras or cities, is the embodiment of Vidya, the highest wisdom.
- 59. A "bee" (Bhramara) acts as an intermediary during the Gopis and Uddhava's conversation in the Bhramara Gita. Srimad Bhagavatam is where it is from.
- 60. The Gopis' private conversations in their extreme emotional turmoil after hearing Sri Krishna's flute (Venu) are recorded in the Venu Gita. Srimad Bhagavatam is where it is from.