‘Dattaprabodhinee Sevaa Trust’ was started in the year 2014 with a vision to create a non-profit humanitarian proficient area for spiritual people to actively engage them in soulistic existences. In the first 12 months of its operations,

‘Dattaprabodhinee Sevaa Trust’ did a rapid assessment of existing spiritual programmes in the region to discover a seriousness of law of karmaa associated with consequences , structured interventions with animal lovers and spiritual people in the area. The team from ‘Dattaprabodhinee Sevaa Trust’ visited more than 27 parallel organisations and several NGO functionaries operating in the area to learn about the involvement of society in spiritual and helping animals concept initiatives in the area. In these visits, most of the leaders, spiritual sessions conductors and social workers voiced a need to build leadership and relationship between poor animals and spiritually background community of young generation on situation based issues and motivate them to take up social action initiatives. The leaders expressed their concerns and difficulties involved in creating a young generation activity for social action initiatives.

In the same period, team of ‘Dattaprabodhinee Sevaa Trust‘ also underwent a one year long mentoring and handholding advanced meditational programs. In this process, the team also participated in a several learning programs with some spiritual organisation working on parallel issues from across the nation. In these sessions, the team interacted with more than 12 spiritual organisations and their several youth leaders working in different parts of the country.

Equipped with an understanding of animal helping issues and an understanding of the best practices of parallel organisations from across the country, ‘Dattaprabodhinee Sevaa Trust’ started conducting basic life skill related free spiritual teachings and active citizenship programs in an animal lovers group. The program was named ‘Animal and Spirituality’. These workshop named as ‘Dattaprabodhinee spiritual Workshop‘ caught the interest of young generation and animal lovers alike and they welcomed ‘Animal and Spiritaulity’ team to conduct repeat workshops on several issues in 4 locations with around 500+ spiritual sadhak and young adolescents. This program also had an indirect outreach of another 1800+ unique followers. ‘Animal and Spirituality’ also initiated a pilot program named ‘Holy Cow Sevaa’ that involved young generation in community outreach program. This program involved around 150+ animal lovers from the area. In the same period, ‘Dattaprabodhinee Spiritual Workshop’ conducting four parent spiritual workshops as a ‘Dattasevaa‘ in four different places of state Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh ( India ). This program titled ‘Dattasevaa’ help us to put forward our standpoints and increasing spiritual direct access with priority acceptance with Lotus feet of Lord Dattatreyaa Swami Maharaj and the devotees.

The success of the initiative inspired us to continue the programme with spiritual people. Now In its second year of operation, ‘Dattaprabodhinee spiritual Workshop’ has started conducting life skill and active citizenship workshops with spiritual Ubuntu, Daily spirituality, meditational programs . This program so far had a direct outreach of 2700+ followers.

Currently, ‘Dattaprabodhinee spiritual Workshop‘ actively working with 4 spiritual places in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh working on enhancement of spiritual environmental attempting in balancing Natures ecosystem for society benefits against natural disasters.

In order to give a push to these two projects

1. Dattaprabodhinee spiritual Workshop

2. Animal and spirituality

has identified the need for:

1) Establishing formal youth group in Maharashtra, Madhya paradesh, Karnatakaa, Andhra Pradesh and Goa in the next 3 years.

2) Starting of 2 Youth Resource Centers in Nasik and Kolhapur to address the needs of two different management locations.

a) Helping Resource Centers for projects from the affluent families.

b) Helping Resource Centers for the First generation volunteers from not so affluent backgrounds.

Both these spaces are intended to be run and managed by young generations themselves.

Vision and Goal

A society where young generation take initiative for social change.

Core values

Peace, social justice, diversity, democracy are key values, which guide us.

या विषयाला अनुसरुन संबंधित पोस्टस् पहा.